7Cs Leadership

Workshops for Future Leaders


Our mission is to unlock adolescents' potential, to guide them and to support them so that they may become their best selves.

The three building blooks of our offerings are: Skill Building, Personal Growth, and School Applications.


Our offerings have been evolving to meet our students’ needs.

Private coaching has become our primary offering, and our coaching programs last from a couple of weeks to a few years.

We’ve provided small-group online workshops to hundreds of students, focusing on essential skills and inner powers. Now we’re turning them into e-learning courses so as to benefit many more students.

Lastly, we create content based on our work and share it with our communities of students and parents.



You have taught us things that they don’t usually teach in school, even though it is likely one of the most beneficial to know.... I know that I have improved greatly since five weeks ago.
— Chloe, regarding Communication Skills Workshop