Recent joint research by professors at M.I.T, University of Michigan, and Columbia University identified lack of communication assertiveness as a reason for the "bamboo ceiling" in the corporate world. This workshop is designed to help students become more confident and effective communicators in a variety of settings. We'll discuss how to contribute in group discussions, how to overcome fear of pubic speaking, how to organize and deliver short speeches, how to pitch ideas, and much more.
Leading OneSelf
The goal of this workshop is to help students improve time management, increase self-movitation, and build self-knowledge. We'll also discuss stories of ten champions in different fields, including LeBron James, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stephe Chu, and Eric Yuan, to draw inspirations and appreciate the critical importance of leading oneself.
Business Strategies
Good strategies address problems and successful companies create products and services that are valuable to their customers. This workshop starts with simple small businesses and moves onto household names, such as Lululemon, Apple, Tesla, and Amazon. We teach students important business concepts and frameworks and help students gain their own understanding of how companies identify opportunities and create solutions, how they make money and achieve growth over time.
Introduction to Investing
One parent wisely pointed out that younger students have the time to learn things that may not be immediately useful but valuable in the long run. Investing is a great example as it may stimulate curiosity in a wide range of subjects. In this workshop, students get to learn key financial terms and valuation methodology, to perform more in-depth research, and to develop a sense of the stock market from following a number of target stocks.
One-on-One Coaching
Every student is different. The first priority of the one-on-one coaching is to truly understand the student. Building that solid foundation, we aim to help the student transform. We work with students on a range of specific topics, including: 1) building self-confidence; 2) starting or leading student activities; 3) preparing for interviews or applications. However, our goal is always to bring out the leadership potential in each student.
Design Your High School Experience
The goal of this workshop is to help students navigate their high school years and intentionally pursue extracurricular activities. We'll address topics including the following: 1) What are some examples of great extracurricular activities? What make them great? 2) How can you find your deep interest and build a path that suits you and elevates you? 3) As you join an existing student group, how can you best contribute and lead? 4) If you want to start something, what are the typical steps and what is good to know? 5) If you're interested in a summer internship, how would you go about pursuing it?